Bill Fitkowski has done a tremendous job as the OO scoring director for several years. Without him we would not be where we are today and we might still be scoring events manually. Bill has finally decided to retire fully and focus on some of his other passions.
In order to continue providing quality events with electronic scoring we are looking for a team of 4-5 people to be trained as Scoring Directors and Event Referees. A larger pool means we can split up events and avoid burn out. Ideally some people will be trained on both positions so they can rotate.
Each event will require a 2-3 person team. The preliminary event tally is 15-16 races.
These positions will be well compensated with a flat rate for the day plus expenses. (we have increased the pay rates for 2017)
We will also need someone to store and tow the trailer to events (for a fee).
All applicants must be available for a half-day training session with Bill F. in the spring.
Scoring Director Duties (1 per event) – $350 per day plus expenses
- Pre-race database preparation
- Setup and test scoring equipment including transponders
- Train and assist event staff with using scoring equipment (live laps phones, transponder programming etc.)
- Assist with entering event registrants in system (when time permits)
- Score race including coordinating back-up scoring
- Compile and post results at the event
- Post race results of forum
- Update points standings after each event
Event Referee Duties (1-2 per event) – $250 per day plus expenses
- Serve as an event referee (1 person designated per event)
- Have a thorough understanding of the OO rulebook
- Provide relief/assistance to scoring director
- Entering registrants into system on day of event
- Train and assist event staff with using scoring equipment (live laps phones, transponder programming etc.)
- Function as an OO representative to answer questions (OO point of contact for racers)
- Assist with scoring equipment setup/tear down
- Setup and tear down trailer/banner/podium/PA system/t-shirt sales etc.
- MC awards ceremony if event promoter does not wish to do so
Trailer Transport – $100 per day
If you or someone you know is interested in one or both of these positions for 2017 please contact me at
Thank you,
Jeremy Quinn