
Online Membership

Off-Road Ontario Membership Fee for 2018 is $40.00
  • If you have any issues registering online please email
  • Cash purchase at the event will not be available and you must register online. If you wait to register at the event you will still need to register on a computer or a phone at the event before you can enter.
  • A computer may be provided when possible so you can sign up online at the event but may not be available depending on the location.
  • It is difficult to find volunteers for every event and online entry will help reduce the amount of volunteers required.
  • You will not be considered registered until payment is received.

The membership registration is now done with, you will need to have a FREE livelaps account to be able to register. Please click the button below to become a member.

All Off-Road Ontario races will also be posted on the Livelaps website.


Waivers for Minors (Competitors under 18 Years Old)

If you are under the age of 18 you need to print and sign this form before registering for your first event,:


and have BOTH parents/guardians sign this form:


Please scan and email signed copies of both forms to so we can add to your file.  You may also bring signed hard copies to the sign in booth at your first event, however, it is helpful to the organizers and registration crew to email these in advance.  When you check into your first event with waivers signed, you will be issued a blue card as confirmation of completion.  Please bring this card to sign in at all future events or you may be asked to re-sign waivers.


All Racers need to be aware: OO scoring equipment for each rider per event.

NFC tag : used for Enduro’ s and Sprint Enduro’s. Round disc mounted on throttle side. Tag will be programmed at the start of the race at sign in. Tag is used to identify the riders start row (example: 13B) tag tells LL system that a rider 13B is about to start into a section. Rider 13B will pre-stage into check, flip card will read 12. Check crew will scan the NFC tag for all riders staged (13A, B, C, D). This scanning alerts and triggers a count down to the TOP of the next minute. 5 seconds before the TOP of the minute, the riders are issued a count down by the check crew starting at 5 sec , 4, 3, 2, 1 then the Flip card goes to 13 riders 13A, B, C, D  depart into test. This is repeated until all riders are thru section

RFID TAG: RECORDS  THE TIME VIA BLUE TOOTH AS THE RIDER PASSES UNDER AN ANTENNA.  ANTENNA IS  SECURED ABOVE THE RIDER IN A TREE FOR OUT CHECK IN ENDURO’ S OR under THE SCORING TENT AT AN XC or SPRINT ENDURO.  No contact required by check crew all thru blue tooth. Best results found if rider speed entering area of Antenna is reduced. Thus the chicanes that are used to slow you down. RFID tag is issued to all riders one time and will cover all event timing for OO events.

XC – ONLY RFID tag is required ( thin sticker under visor)

typically located under the helmet visor mounted parallel with the front edge of the peak

**Anyone that has a Carbon fibre helmet may need to move the location as the tag may not be read properly. Scoring Team will be able to make the call when the tag is associated. COST for RFID tag is 20.00 per tag.

Sprint Enduro’ s – NFC round disc and  RFID tag is required ( thin sticker under visor)

typically located under the helmet visor mounted parallel with the front edge of the peak

**Anyone that has a Carbon fibre helmet may need to move the location as the tag may not be read properly. Scoring Team will be able to make the call when the tag is associated. COST for RFID tag is 20.00 per tag.

Enduro’ s – NFC round disc and RFID tag same tag is used for XC and Sprint Enduro ‘s.

RFID tag is only issued one time to a rider. Can be used for all races when OO is using Live Laps scoring. Same scoring process as listed above for out check time or passing under scoring tent at XC.

NFC tags are sold at all Enduro ‘s and will be issued one time to each rider.  All riders must bring these tags with them to sign in of Enduro’ s only to have assigned row numbers programmed onto the tag. Tag is secured via Velcro sticker.

NFC tag cost $10.00

RFID tag cost $20.00

Buy RFID and NFC tag together same time $25.00