

2.7.1 Top finishing riders in their respective classes at the end of the season will be promoted to the next advanced class. Year-end review of the results by Competition Committee will determine who advances. A rider may appeal advancement to the Off-Road Ontario Board of Directors. 2.7.2 Riders may not self-promote or demote themselves. All class changes, either up or down must

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2023 Championship Results

2023 OFF-ROAD ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS ARE OUT! On November 26, 2023 join us at the Horseshoe Valley Resort at 11:00 a.m. to celebrate our 2023 winners and catered lunch. Tickets are available via LiveLaps but are limited so be sure to purchase them soon. $55.00 for adults, $25.00 for this under 16. END OF YEAR TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED HERE:

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2023 Off-Road Ontario Class Promotions

The following is the 2023 Class Promotions for Off-Road Ontario as decided by the Competition Committee. RULE 2.6 Advancement, States: “Top finishing riders in their respective classes at the end of the season will be promoted to the next advanced class. Year-end review of the results by Competition Committee will determine who advances. A rider may appeal advancement to the

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