Executive Board
Off-Road Ontario is governed by volunteer members who are elected to an executive board and supported through the hard work and efforts of many more.
Mark Zimny – President
Mark has always been enthusiastic about racing motorcycles off-road and has been a solid competitor for many years. Taking over the helm as president of OO in 2019, Mark has a clear vision to continue to grow the sport and attract new riders so they too can experience the pleasures (and pain) of riding motorcycles stupid fast through the woods, swamps and sand pits of Ontario.
Andrew Bean – Secretary I started riding at 14 on a ’78 XL 250. I learned to ride on the trails and in gravel pits near my hometown of Capreol ON (just north of Sudbury). The following year my parents bought me a YZ125 and I tried my hand at racing MX. I did horribly (I think I was lapped by everyone on the track) but I was hooked. The following year I bought a brand new YZ250 and for the next three years I didn’t miss a single race in the CMRC series, winning regional championships in beginner, junior and intermediate, and finishing well at the Walton TransCan. In 2005, while attending college in Barrie, I heard about a hare scramble at RJ’s and thought I would give it a try. I showed up on a 35°C day with no hydration pack, a stock YZ450 and an impression that I would be racing through groomed double track… I had never seen single track before. I barely managed to finish (last) but at that point it was the most fun I had ever had on a bike. That fall I was forced to sell my bike to pay for my tuition and I didn’t straddle another until 2013 when I purchased a new 500 EXC. In 2014 I began racing select Off Road Ontario XC’s in novice A and completed my first Corduroy Enduro. This year I traded my 500 in for a 450XC-f, bumped myself up to intermediate and am planning on attending every XC and Enduro in the OO series
Dave Kube – Treasurer
I have been actively involved with the off-road motorcycle community since 1971 both as a competitor and an organizer. With some success I have competed in Enduros, Hare Scrambles, MX and Cross Country events recently I have focused my efforts on trail riding and organization. Over the years I have been involved at the local club level ( K-W Cycle Sport Association) , as the Ontario representative at the CMA and most recently as a Director / Treasurer for Off-Road Ontario.
The following quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes truly describes my direction and attitude to motorcycling and life in general.
“Men don’t quote playing because grow old, They grow old because they quit playing “