
2016 Rule Change Suggestions


With our final round of competition wrapping up at the Terra Nova Enduro, it’s time to look ahead to the 2016 season. From now through the balance of the year, Off-Road Ontario will start preparations for a new race season. As a member of Off-Road Ontario, you play an important role in initiating improvements by providing feedback in the forum. We value your opinions and this forum topic is now open and will remain open until Nov. 21, 2015 for your suggestions for the 2016 revision to our rule book. Much of the content of our current edition of the rule book has been created or influenced by your input. Rule change suggestions you provide may not always be implemented but they will all be considered.

Please share your ideas to make 2016 the best season of racing yet and thanks for a great season through 2015.

Click here for the forum.