Sunday May 11, Sandaraska Park Pontypool Ontario.
Camping available call Kim at the Sandaraska Park 705-277-2000 to book a spot.
10:00 Key Time
Registration opens at 07:30, Registration is only available day of the event, no pre-entry!
NOTE: IMPORTANT: Registration will close at 09:30 Sharp!!
Electronic Scoring, powered by, NFC Wrist Bands tags will be used, Wrist Bands are NOW included with your entry fee!
80km approx. length
Gas Truck Supplied
Ladies B and Youth ride shortened course approx. 45km
4 Special Tests
$50.00 Entry Fee
BBQ included in entry fee proceeds to Pontypool Volunteer Fire fighters association
Green Plate
94 db
Event Info
Dustin Heacock
If you want to work the event and earn your worker points, email with your info
riding jobs, plus check crew jobs are available.